Today we share a story of a man who defied medical logic. Our Opa (technically Nikolas’ Opa) had diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. He showed no significant symptoms of disease until the last 6 months of his 86 year life. Opa didn’t exactly have a healthy diet low in excess sugar and fat, nor did he exercise everyday. He was active through gardening, dancing, and other projects, but his true secret to life was his optimism!

A review of studies by the Harvard School of Public Health in 2012 suggested that optimism and positive emotion may protect against heart disease and slow the progression of disease. In their findings they stated “optimism, life satisfaction and happiness are associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular (heart) disease regardless of factors such as age, socioeconomic status, smoking status or body weight.”
The most optimistic participants had a 50% reduced risk of experiencing an initial heart attack or stroke compared to less optimistic participants. Additionally, those who exercised, ate a balanced diet, and got enough sleep showed benefits of well managed blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight.
Alternatively, a 2015 study suggested that low pessimism rather than high optimism, was associated with positive heart health, especially in participants who were physically active, ate a healthy diet, and did not smoke.

Nutrition, physical activity, and lifestyle are important factors in maintaining our health. However, there may be more to gain by also practicing a positive (or less pessimistic) outlook on day-to-day life. Opa was the happiest man we have ever known. He was always sharing stories, laughing, caring for others, and seeking opportunities to learn and connect with his loved ones. We know that such personality traits nurture happiness, decrease stress and anxiety, and create self-confidence and motivation. So really, what’s stopping you from trying to view the world with a positive lens and enjoy your time with the people you love?

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The Strength of Optimism
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